In Death Wiki
In Death Wiki

For other uses of Ava, see Ava (disambiguation).

Crampton, Ava

Appeared in Indulgence in Death (July, 2060)[1]

Personal Information[]

Homicide Information[]

Interesting Facts[]

  • Invested in herself, folding her profits back into her face, her body, and her education - she could speak conversationally in three languages and was working on a fourth.
  • Kept her body rigorously toned through yoga - she was an advanced yogini - which kept her centered and gave her superb flexibility.
  • One of the highest-rated LCs on the East Coast, routinely commanding $10,000 an evening, double for an overnight.
  • She’d trained and tested and was licensed for a menu of extras and specialties to suit the varied whims of her clients.
  • She lived on the 61st floor, in a three-level corner penthouse with a roof garden.[3]
  • Her penultimate client was Catrina Bigelo at 5 p.m. for two hours at the Roarke Palace Hotel.[3]
  • She had Foster Urich booked for four hours beginning with the 10:30 p.m. pickup, with the option for overnight held open. She had marked him as a new client, vetted and cleared.[3]
  • Came from a working-class family and her parents divorced when she was a kid.[3]
  • She got her first-level license at nineteen, kept her record clean, took the classes and tested for higher levels, and worked her way up.[3]
  • She risked her livelihood to tell Patrice Delaughter she had been drugged, raped, and “shared” by her husband, Sylvester Moriarity III, with his bff, Winston Dudley IV, and that they recorded it. Pat used the recording to get a huge divorce settlement.[4]

