In Death Wiki

Bardov Construction – The construction company founded and run by Yuri Bardov.[1] Chloe Enster said she and her brother, who were working on the River View development on Hudson Yards in Forgotten in Death, would have been more cautious about bidding on the job if they knew Bardov had partnered with Singer on it because they were corner-cutters, using substandard material and pocketing the cost difference. Enster recognized one of the Bardov engineers, Alexei Tovinski, walking around the site even though there was no reason for him to be there. Although Eve told Peabody, “Yuri Bardov is the Russian mob,” Bardov was mostly retired as he neared ninety. According to Roarke, Bardov Construction was responsible for many of the flops and tenements thrown up post-Urbans. He likely bought the properties, or won the bids by intimidation, bribery, or other means, just as he’d done prior and during the Urbans. Roarke had purchased a few from him over the last decade or so. Bardov tended to divest when the buildings were on the edge of falling down - or condemned. Since he had considerable influence in some areas of city government, many that should have been condemned weren’t until after the sale. Bardov was also a silent partner, keeping interest quiet and off record - make a loan, off the books, then pull in a tidy profit or call in an enforcer to persuade the borrower to cough up the vig or renegotiate at a higher rate, or take a share of the property as payment. The company was well-established in New York and parts of New Jersey, with Bardov having his own suppliers, at least for some essential materials. In the last decade or so, Bardov had been divesting some of his sidelines - weapons, ID theft, and the company was less of a front than an actual business, with a target of remodeling and the suburbs.[2]

Towards the end of the story, Roarke had a verbal agreement to buy the company, as Bardov wanted to be completely retired and had noone to pass the business to in his family. Roarke said Bardov would do some house cleaning before the sale, and after some adjustments the good company will be a better one.[3]

