Ben may refer to:
- Ben, Jerald Reinhold’s parents’ neighbors’ daughter’s fiancé in Thankless in Death[1]
- Ben, who was partying with Max Lawrence at the beginning of Memory in Death[2]
- Ben, who, along with his wife, owned a store and helped Eve choose handbags for five of her friends for Christmas in Festive in Death[3]
- Ben Clipper, whose truck Roarke borrowed in New York to Dallas to access the underground garage for the building where Isaac McQueen was living in Dallas[4] (also see Clipper (disambiguation))
- Ben Greenleaf, Martin and Beth Greenleaf’s oldest child in Payback in Death[5]; he was hanged by Denzel Robards and Elva Arnez, but rescued by Webster before any permanent physical damage was done[6]
- Ben Icove, Avril and Wilford Icove, Jr.’s son in Origin in Death[7]
- Ben Ringwold, who Dr. Kent Abner reported for abusing his son, but turned his life around and owned a food truck called Cajun Bon Temps with a partner, Jacques Lamont, in Golden in Death[8]
- Ben Vinnemere, who was dating Mirri Hallywell in Innocent in Death; Craig and Lissette Foster set them up[9]
- Benedict “Ben” Forrest, the Chief Operating Officer of Anders Worldwide, who was raised by Thomas Anders after Ben’s mother was eaten by a shark while scuba diving off the coast of Madagascar when he was six[10]
- Benedict “Ben” Mantal, who was personal security for Mavis Freestone in Obsession in Death[11]
- Benjamin “Ben” Turnbill, Roger and Dian Kirkendall’s younger nephew, whose mother Roger abducted and tortured when she was six months pregnant with him[12]
- ↑ Thankless in Death, Chapter 2
- ↑ Memory in Death, Chapter 1
- ↑ Festive in Death, Chapter 4
- ↑ New York to Dallas, Chapter 16
- ↑ Payback in Death, Chapter 7
- ↑ Payback in Death, Chapter 17
- ↑ Origin in Death (ISBN 0-425-20426-X), p. 82
- ↑ Golden in Death, Chapter 5
- ↑ Innocent in Death (ISBN 978-0-399-15401-0), pp. 21, 83
- ↑ Strangers in Death (ISBN 978-0-399-15470-6), p. 20
- ↑ Obsession in Death, Chapter 15
- ↑ Survivor in Death, Chapter 18