In Death Wiki

Noy, Brice

Mentioned in Payback in Death (early August, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Description: Good-looking kid, all-American
  • Age at TOD: 19 (nine years ago)
  • Relationships: Louis Noy (father/deceased); Ella Rosen (mother); Taylor Noy (younger sister)

Interesting Facts[]

  • He was a criminal justice major at NYU with plans to be a cop.
  • He had an application in for the Academy and had already been accepted, deferred until he graduated.
  • He was the golden child, the favored son, but he and his father had a falling-out shortly before his father’s self-termination.
  • He lived at home and had a partial scholarship.
  • His mother found him hanging, less than six months after his father's death.
  • In high school, he was in the honor society and debate club, on the student council, and was class president. He was valedictorian and did volunteer work with homeless shelters and soup kitchens. He was a paid intern at his father’s precinct, civilian liaison, the summer after high school.[2]
  • In college, he was in the book club and a fraternity, but didn’t date anyone seriously.[3]
  • He and Elva Arnez had been friends, although it was more one-sided on her part, with her adopting his father as her own. They met when he was buying a Christmas present for his mom and she waited on him. He started bringing her home for dinner, but in a friendly way - he said she was lonely, an only child with no father at home and her mother worked long hours. She got his sister her first summer job. He and Ellie, as she was known at that time, attended the senior prom together (her invite), and his father slipped her money sometimes.[4]


  1. Payback in Death, Chapter 15
  2. Payback in Death, Chapter 20
  3. Payback in Death, Chapter 21
  4. Payback in Death, Chapter 22