In Death Wiki
In Death Wiki

Mobsley, Candida

Appeared in Calculated in Death (November, 2060)

Personal Information[]

  • Description: Really rich, really spoiled, with a history of violent behavior[1]; a face as beautiful and as hard as her diamonds[2]
  • Hair: Blond
  • Address: Upper East Side Penthouse (and other locations)
  • Relationships: Aston (assistant); Delilah (panther); at least one ex-spouse (married about five minutes); unnamed grandfather who put restrictions on the trust fund
  • Occupation: Being rich and famous

Interesting Facts[]

  • Her trust fund was being audited by order of the trustees and she tried to bribe Marta Dickenson. She told Marta she would be sorry if she (Marta) didn’t do what she (Candida) wanted, which was to tweak the numbers so everything looked fine.[1]
    • Marta’s assistant, Josie Oslo, said Mobsley was taking funds she wasn’t supposed to, and covering it so it looked like approved expenses.
  • According to Peabody, “she’s been in and out of rehab for illegals and/or alcohol abuse, which is the excuse used when she wrecks another car, smacks another rival, tears up another hotel suite or whatever. Travels a lot. Third- or fourth-generation money that she’s apparently pissing through as fast as she can.”[1]
  • Lived in a penthouse that “looked like a small palace under a snowstorm - every inch was white - sofas, tables, rugs, lamps, pillows. The only spot of color came from the white-framed portrait - their hostess reclining naked on a white bed. Her endless tumble of blonde hair and deeply red lips jumped out of the canvas” and also the vivid green eyes from her white panther cub.[2]
  • Told Eve she thought she’d be older, and Eve asked her, “Than what?”[2]
  • Told Eve it didn’t make any difference to her that Marta was killed, according to her money guy, Tony Greenblat, since they would just have somebody else do the audit.[2]
  • Sent Marta flowers and offered her $10K under the table if she’d clear the audit; she considered that a nice chunk of change for "some bookkeeper bitch," then upped it to $20K. Eve threatened to arrest her for confessing to offering a $20,000 bribe in exchange for altering a court-appointed audit, which was a felony.[2]
  • Was going to make Marta sorry by buying Brewer, Kyle, and Martini and firing her.[2]
  • She needed to not smack anybody for another 81 days or else she needed to take more anger management classes, which were boring.[2]
  • Alva Moonie had an affair with her during her experimental, wild-child days.[3]
  • She was at The Icove Agenda premiere, dressed in all but transparent white, and nearly blew Eve’s takedown of Clinton Frye in her drunken state, allowing herself to be used as a shield by him.[4]

