In Death Wiki
In Death Wiki

Carnegy Enhancement Supplies – The wholesale beauty supply store where Sylvester Yost, claiming to be a salon owner in south Jersey, arranged to pick up replacement cosmetics after he was forced to flee his apartment in Betrayal in Death. It was located on Second Avenue and 23rd Street. The missing cosmetics included Youth supercover foundation, burnt honey tone and mocha; Deloren unisex powder, in both loose and compact; Salina cheek powder in rose quartz; eye makeup; and Natural Bliss cosmetics, which are hypoallergenic, all-natural, cost two left arms, and were only available to licensed consultants.[1] Trina’s friend manned the main counter, while Peabody posed as a clerk at another counter, and McNab was a customer, but the FBI, as usual, jumped the gun so it wasn’t an easy take-down for Eve.[2]

(See also Personal Enhancements)


  1. Betrayal in Death, Chapter 20
  2. Betrayal in Death, Chapter 21