In Death Wiki

For other uses of Charlie, see Charlie (disambiguation).


Mentioned in Echoes in Death (February 6-9, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Relationships: Unnamed baby; unnamed baby mama
  • Occupation: Worked for Loan Star Rentals

Interesting Facts[]

  • Worked the Strazzas’s party, along with Oliver Quint, Luca DiNozzo, Mac, and Stizzle.
  • He, Mac, Ollie, or Stizzle had a vandalism charge for tagging a building when he was eighteen, which was ten years ago and therefore is 28.[2]
  • He left around 11:30 since he had a two-week-old baby at home and Luca didn’t need him on the last delivery job of the night.


  1. Echoes in Death, Chapter 5
  2. Echoes in Death, Chapter 4