In Death Wiki

Charlie may refer to:

  1. Charlene, who went by Charlie, a student at Columbia, roommates with Randa, and friends with Rachel Howard[1]
  2. Charlie, a bold street thief working the crime scene where Barry “Fist” Aimes’s body was found in Connections in Death; Eve apprehended him[2]
  3. Charlie, a cater waiter at Walter C. Pettibone’s birthday party in Reunion in Death[3]
  4. Charlie, a delivery person for Loan Star Rentals in Echoes in Death[4]
  5. Charlie, a doorman at Nadine Furst’s building in Apprentice in Death[5]
  6. Charlie, Lee-Lee Ten’s lawyer in Origin in Death[6]
  7. Charlie, one of the people who knew Alan and Jenny Markum were planning to go ice skating at the Wollman Rink in Central Park the morning Alan was killed by a sniper in Apprentice in Death; he was dating Jenny’s friend, Sherry, whom she told[7]
  8. Charlie, what Dennis Mira called his wife, Dr. Charlotte Mira, throughout the In Death series, beginning in Reunion in Death when he is officially introduced[8]
  9. Charlie, who either worked at or was a patron of Cyber Perks in Seduction in Death[9]
  10. Charlie Kent, the bail bondsman Hilda Farmer worked for in Obsession in Death[10] (also see Kent (disambiguation))
  11. Charlie Ochi, the owner of Ochi’s Market in Treachery in Death; he was murdered.[11]
  12. Crazy Charlie’s, the club where Donnie Ray Michael and some friends went to check out a new band on the night Marianna Hawley was murdered in Holiday in Death.[12]


  1. Portrait in Death (ISBN 0-425-18903-1) p. 37
  2. Connections in Death, Chapter 14
  3. Reunion in Death (ISBN 0-425-18397-7), pp. 45-46
  4. Echoes in Death, Chapter 5
  5. Apprentice in Death, Chapter 9
  6. Origin in Death, Chapter 1
  7. Apprentice in Death, Chapter 1
  8. Reunion in Death (ISBN 0-425-18397-1), p. 117 and Chapter 8; Divided in Death, Chapter 19; Memory in Death, Chapters 8 and 17; Concealed in Death, Chapters 15, 16, and 20; Brotherhood in Death, Chapters 1, 5, 6, 8, and 18; Dark in Death, Chapter 6; Connections in Death, Chapter 1; Golden in Death, Chapter 10; Shadows in Death, Chapter 9; Abandoned in Death, Chapter 14; Desperation in Death, Chapter 6
  9. Seduction in Death, Chapter 7
  10. Obsession in Death, Chapter 15
  11. Treachery in Death, Chapter 1
  12. Holiday in Death, Chapter 6