In Death Wiki

Powders, Darian “Dar”

Appeared in Kindred in Death (c. June 2060, Sunday - Saturday)

Personal Information[]

  • General Description: A good looking guy with a big, charming smile, a pretty face,[1] and dark hair.[2]
  • DOB: c. 2041
  • Age: 19
  • Address: Columbia University dorm
  • Occupation: Student at Columbia University

Interesting Facts[]

  • He was a second year Lit major at Columbia who requested, and paid for, a replacement ID on January 5, 2060. He lived on campus, on the fourth floor of the dorm.[3]
    • He thought he lost his ID after winter break, possibly during the New Years Eve party, as he noticed it missing on the third and reported it on the fourth (it cost seventy-five to replace it).[4]
    • He was taking a short summer semester, and interning at Westling Publishing. He had completed his second year at the college and carried a 3.4 grade average.[1]
    • He was an excellent student with only a few minor infractions.[5]
  • He was from Savannah, Georgia.[6]
  • His brother, who was still in Georgia, had two minor illegals pops. His uncle had a son who took a harder illegals hit; he did six months, and another three in rehab. He was busted in Brooklyn.[1]
  • He was called “Dar,” was involved with Luce,[7] and roomed with Coby.[8]
  • The night Deena MacMasters was murdered, he said a bunch of them went down to the Shore at about two, ate at McGill’s, then hit a party at Gia’s.[9]
  • He thought he recognized Deena from the photo he was shown and said he saw her with Jamie Lingstrom.[10]

