In Death Wiki

For other uses of Deke, see Deke (disambiguation).

Mimoto, Deke

Appeared in Kindred in Death (c. June 2060, Sunday - Saturday)

Personal Information[]


  • They’d lived in their home in White Plains for fifty-three years.[1]
    • Deke was handy and had done a lot of fixing up of their house, over the years; he’d added rooms and remodeled areas of the house.[1]
  • He played baseball back in high school, through college and into Double A. Got picked up by the Yankees, played a season as catcher, and hit .352. He bunged up his knee and that was that.[2]
  • He went into teaching and coached high school ball; moved up to principal, then to county administrator, and some politicking. He worked construction most summers and, according to Feeney, he was a “Hell of a guy.”[2]

Interesting Facts[]

  • Serenity Mimoto’s parents decided to renew their vows on Valentine’s Day. Her mother, Charity, decided that, after seventy years, they’d earned a booster shot, a massive party, and a second honeymoon.[3]
  • Deke played golf on Wednesday afternoons and, once a month, he played poker with some of the boys on Thursday night.[4]
  • Deke, Serenity’s husband, brothers, the grandsons, were all going on a camping trip this upcoming weekend; they planned to be gone until Sunday.[4]
  • The Mimotos made a home-cooked meal for Baxter and Trueheart; real chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and lemon meringue pie.[5] Charity said they enjoyed having David and Troy stay with them.[1]
  • Charity said they had a judge for a daughter and plenty of lawyers and cops in the family, too.[6]

