For other uses of Devin, see Devin (disambiguation).
Spruce, Devin
Appeared in Random in Death (August, 2061)[1]
Personal Information[]
- Description: Looked like a defensive lineman, with his broad shoulders and tough build; smooth golden brown skin, a long blade of a nose, and big dreamy brown eyes; his hair, a kind of brassy gold at the crown, fell into pure black twists
- Age: 17
- Complexion: Golden brown
- Hair: Brassy gold at the crown, pure black at the ends
- Eyes: Brown
- Occupation: Student / worker at the Corner Deli for the summer
Interesting Facts[]
- Went to the Avenue A concert at Club Rock It with his friends, Chaz, Orlo, Jonah, and Hank Kajinski, the night Jenna Harbough was murdered.
- As a group, they danced with Jenna, Chelsea Fine, and Leelee Spencer.
- Chaz went in first, with Orlo and Jonah, then he and Hank behind them, and the killer, Francis Bryce, directly behind them.
- He remembered Bryce pausing dramatically after Chaz opened the door and saying “Now it begins.”
- ↑ Random in Death, Chapter 11