In Death Wiki

Laurence, Dr. – Surgeon

Appeared in Imitation in Death (September 4-12, 2059)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Sex: Male
  • Occupation: Doctor

Interesting Facts[]

  • Told Eve he didn’t know how Marlene made it through surgery and he didn’t expect her to last the morning (he was wrong).
    • Injuries included broken ribs where Renquist had kicked her, collapsed lung, bruised kidneys, dislocated shoulder, broken elbow, and a shattered skull with bone fragments in her brain.
  • He put the word out to his and other ERs to look for somebody who had mugger spray in his eyes or other similar symptoms.
  • Gave her some leads on the plaster Renquist used for his cast, since it was no longer used regularly - medical supply companies or building suppliers.
  • Marlene remembered his telling her not to give up, that he wouldn’t give up if she didn’t, and he told her she made him look real good around the hospital.

