In Death Wiki
In Death Wiki

Farnsworth, Edie Barrett

Appeared in Thankless in Death (November 22-25, 2060)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Description: Fat, ugly, and mean as an alley rat, according to her murderer; heaven's angel according to most others
  • Relationships: Snuffy (dog); unnamed father (deceased); unnamed husband (deceased); unnamed grandmother; Myra (friend); Shell (friend)
  • Address: Tidy brownstone in Tribeca
  • Occupation: Retired Computer Science teacher

Homicide Information[]

  • Jerald Reinhold tortured and eventually asphyxiated her with a plastic bag.

Interesting Facts[]

  • Flunked Jerry out of spite, according to him.
  • Inherited money and her house from her father when he died.
  • Her husband died in a car accident six or seven years ago.[2]
  • Was slated to have Thanksgiving dinner with Shell and Myra.[3]
  • She embedded code and a fraud alert in the fake ID Jerry has her create for him[4], causing a credit card to pop a fraud notification to contact Eve and included Jerry’s new name and new address.[5]
  • She was supposed to bring her neighbors, Brad and Margot Peters, soup (her grandmother's recipe) the day she was killed.[6]


  1. Thankless in Death, Chapter 8
  2. Thankless in Death, Chapter 13
  3. Thankless in Death, Chapter 10
  4. Thankless in Death, Chapter 11
  5. Thankless in Death, Chapter 21
  6. Thankless in Death, Chapter 14