In Death Wiki

Gleason, Professor Elaine

Appeared in Payback in Death (August, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Description: A mass of brown hair tugged back in a messy tail
  • Hair: Brown
  • Relationships: Henry (husband); two unnamed children
  • Location: Third floor Upper West Side apartment
  • Occupation: Professor at NYU

Interesting Facts[]

  • The family just got back from two weeks at the beach in North Carolina.
  • She was a big fan of Eve and covered Deadly Perfection: The Icove Agenda last year in the student book club she ran - Crime and Punishment. She was planning to cover The Red Horse Legacy as the first read in the fall semester and said she would love to have Eve come in as a guest lecturer.
  • She taught criminal justice and had Brice Noy in her class.
  • She remembered Brice as an excellent student, bright and questing, but after his father’s fall and suicide, Brice was never the same - angry and brooding - and began missing classes.


  1. Payback in Death, Chapter 21