In Death Wiki

Foxx may refer to:

  1. Arthur Foxx, S.T. Fitzhugh’s long time partner in Rapture in Death[1], who had lived in Maui for about a year by Obsession in Death[2] (also see Arthur (disambiguation))
  2. Ella Alice Foxx, who was being held prisoner at Wilkey House in Faithless in Death[3] (also see Alice (disambiguation))
  3. Garth Foxx, who ran a farmer’s market co-op with his woman, who is Peabody’s cousin, and their sons in Pigeon Run and is mentioned in Devoted in Death[4]
  4. Joe P. Foxx, an actor on a show for On Screen Productions, mentioned in Echoes in Death as a devoted family guy[5] (also see Joe (disambiguation))
  5. Zeek Foxx, Ella Alice Foxx’s deceased father, mentioned in Faithless in Death[6]


  1. Rapture in Death, Chapter 4
  2. Obsession in Death, Chapter 3
  3. Faithless in Death, Chapter 14
  4. Devoted in Death, Chapter 10
  5. Echoes in Death, Chapter 9
  6. Faithless in Death, Chapter 16