Frankie may refer to:
- Frankie, a receptionist at Anders Worldwide in Strangers in Death[1]
- Frankie (dog), Nita’s deceased cocker spaniel; Nita was a neighbor of Donald Dukes and his family in Purity in Death[2]
- Frankie, who “can fuck himself with a cactus,” according to a snatch of conversation Eve overheard in Passions in Death[3]
- Frankie Carvindito, Leah Lester’s significant other in Vendetta in Death[4]
- Frankie Nalley, a Maryland criminal who beat a guy to death and stuffed him in a commercial recycler in Shadows in Death; Baxter and Trueheart caught the case and chased the suspect to Maryland in his red rattletrap ’52 Muscleman coupe[5]
- Frankie Trent, who did the housekeeping for the townhome Edward and Dennis Mira owned jointly (their grandfather’s house), along with her daughter, Sila Robarts, and granddaughter, Dara Robarts; she used to be Gwen Mira’s housekeeper[6] (also see Trent (disambiguation))
- ↑ Strangers in Death, Chapter 2
- ↑ Purity in Death, Chapter 19
- ↑ Passions in Death, Chapter 9
- ↑ Vendetta in Death, Chapter 4
- ↑ Shadows in Death, Chapter 5
- ↑ Brotherhood in Death, Prologue, Chapter 2