In Death Wiki

Modesto, Galla

Appeared in Shadows in Death (May, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Description: Beautiful, looked like her mother
  • Age at TOD: 33
  • Relationships: Jorge Tween (husband); Angelo (son); Anna Maria (mother); Antonio (father); Stefano (brother); Tereza (sister-in-law); two unnamed niblings
  • Address: Three-story townhouse on Prince
  • Other properties: Farmhouse in the Chianti region of Tuscany - a few acres, working gardens, a small vineyard, a custodian’s cottage, and a lovely view; flat in Florence, where her parents lived
  • Occupation: Worked for Modesto Wine and Spirits

Homicide Information[]

  • Gutted in Washington Square Park.
  • She was meeting her former lover, Marlon Stowe, at his request, so he could give her a companion piece to the painting she’d bought from him when they first met.
  • Killed by Lorcan Cobbe, who was hired by Tween
  • TOD: 22:18 (10:18 p.m.)
  • COD: Eight-inch vertical slice through her abdomen

Interesting Facts[]

  • Third generation heir, with a net worth more than ten times her husband’s (his was just under nine million, so hers would have been around 100 million dollars).
  • Married 6 years.
  • Her son was 4 and would be in the custody of her brother and sister-in-law since she was dead and her husband in prison.
  • She and Stowe were having an affair and in love, but had broken it off at her request since she was married and decided she needed to be faithful again.
  • She met Stowe the previous summer (2060) when she bought a painting of Tuscany he’d done at a sidewalk display.
  • Tween listed her Tuscany farmhouse for sale, giving the custodians three weeks to vacate and her Florence flat, evicting her young cousin, an art student, currently living there. All sales were blocked with his arrest.[2]


  1. Shadows in Death, Chapter 1
  2. Shadows in Death, Chapter 6