In Death Wiki
In Death Wiki


Appeared in Conspiracy in Death (January 2059)

Personal Information[]

  • Description: An addict, with an assortment of vices that had certainly fried a good portion of his brain cells.[1]
  • Sex: Male
  • DOB: c. 2009
  • Age: about 50
  • Address: None: Sleeper Village


  • While he might be coherent now, thanks to a healthy dose of Sober-Up, his skinny body still jittered and his nervous eyes jumped.[1]
  • His skin tone had a gray cast.[2]

Interesting Facts[]

  • His crib (located in the Bowery) was just down from Snooks; he and Snooks were friends.[3]
  • He guessed that he might be fifty; Troy Trueheart once slipped him some credits.[4]
  • He saw Snooks after they had taken his heart and Gimp asked Eve why they put that big hole in him.[3]
  • Gimp saw two people come in a big black car. They were wearing long black coats that looked warm, good shoes, masks over all but their eyes, and they carried bags. One bag was big, black and shiny leather; the other bag was white and made sloshy noises (possibly an organ transport sack).[5]

