In Death Wiki

Greenspan may refer to:

  1. Anja Greenspan, Ellen Solomen’s sister; Whitney and Feeney were planning to notify her that they’d finally gotten justice for the Solomens after arresting Lorcan Cobbe in Shadows in Death[1]
  2. Cecily Greenspan, Paul Rogan’s wife in Leverage in Death[2] (also see Cecily (disambiguation))
  3. Lena Greenspan, one of the fifteen women murdered by John Blue, whose body was recovered in Visions in Death from where it was buried on Blue’s grandmother’s farm in upstate New York[3]
  4. Melody Greenspan Rogan, Paul Rogan and Cecily Greenspan’s eight-year-old daughter in Leverage in Death[2] (also see Rogan (disambiguation))
  5. Reverend Horace Greenspan, the recipient of Lisa McKinney’s first blow job - payment and penance when he’d caught her lip-locked with Wayne Kyle Ribbet, and Wayne Kyle’s hand under her shirt, teaching her, at age twelve, it was better to receive than give payment for such tedious services, mentioned in Abandoned in Death[4]
  6. Travis Greenspan, Macie Snyder’s boyfriend, whom she murdered at On the Rocks in Delusion in Death, thanks to the Red Horse poison Lewis Callaway released into the air[5]


