In Death Wiki

Hard may refer to:

  1. Bang Me Hard, one of the songs Shauna Hunnicut was screeching out during her and Erin Albright’s pre-wedding party at the Down and Dirty Club in Passions in Death[1] (also see Bang (disambiguation))
  2. Hard Crash, the “totally mag” and “completely juiced” holo-band that played at Make The Scene the last time Shirllee saw Kenby Sulu in Portrait in Death[2]
  3. Hard, Hot, and Hammered, the latest entry in Scarlet Silk’s videography, mentioned in Secrets in Death[3]
  4. Hard-on, a sexual aid sold in a phallic-shaped bottle at Just Sex; Ned Custer made multiple purchases of this product prior to Strangers in Death[4]
  5. Rock Hard, the bare bones gym owned by David “Rock” Britton in Festive in Death[5] (also see Rock (disambiguation))
  6. The Hard Stuff, the dive bar on one side of Carmine Delgato’s squat four-story post-Urban apartment building in Forgotten in Death[6]

