In Death Wiki
In Death Wiki

Aceti, Ilene

Appeared in Leverage in Death (early March, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Description: Copper-streaked inky black hair to her waist, pulled back from a face ivory pale with shock and deep-set brown eyes
  • Complexion: Ivory
  • Hair: Copper-streaked inky black
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Occupation: One of the owners of the Salon gallery

Interesting Facts[]

  • Was close enough to the explosion that it lifted her off her feet and tossed her in the air. She had a broken arm, some facial nicks, and a few tears and scorch marks on her shirt and trousers.
  • She and Joe Kotler were the best people at Wayne Denby’s wedding.
  • The three of them had been friends since college and started the Salon together.


  1. Leverage in Death, Chapter 14