In Death Wiki

Joe may refer to:

  1. Civilian Joe, who Eve imagined somebody complaining about when his murder didn’t get as much attention as Deena MacMasters’ in Kindred in Death (“How come this case gets so much time and effort? Why didn’t Civilian Joe get the same treatment?”)[1]
  2. Detective Joe Lansing, an IAB cop who attacked Eve after Captain Martin Greenleaf’s murder[2], inadvertently firing a stream at Baxter in Payback in Death, successfully testing his Thin Shield-lined jacket[3]
  3. Dr. Joseph “Joe” Fletcher, Violet Fletcher’s husband in Abandoned in Death[4] (also see Joseph (disambiguation))
  4. Joe, one of the crime scene techs for James County Sheriff’s Department, Spencerville, New Hampshire, called to Brookhollow Academy for Evelyn Samuels’s murder in Origin in Death[5]
  5. Joe, who received a new liver in Conspiracy in Death; a couple at the Drake Center were whispering about his chances[6]
  6. Joe College, what “Steve Audrey” called Jackson Hooper in Portrait in Death'[7]
  7. Joe E. Clark, the night clerk at the West End Hotel[8], who found Debra Bernstein’s body in Encore in Death when the water she had running for her bath leaked through to room 201 and he got a complaint[9]
  8. Joe Gym, who lived across the street from Samantha Gannon in Remember When and questioned Eve and Roarke when they went back to Gannon’s house.[10]
  9. Joe Inez, a reformed Soldados member in Salvation in Death, who didn’t know anything about the bomb Lino Martinez and Penny Soto set at their school, and was ten feet away from Ronni Edwards when she was killed in it, but later overheard Penny and Lino talking about how they planted the boomer[11]
  10. Joe Kendall, the foreman on the construction project where the remains of Johara Murr and her unborn but viable fetus were found in Forgotten in Death, when the property belonged to Singer Family Developers[12] (also see Big (disambiguation))
  11. Joe Klein, Jerald Reinhold’s asshole friend in Thankless in Death[13], who nearly got killed by him due to his arrogance[14] (also see Joseph (disambiguation))
  12. Joe Kotler, one of the three partners who owned the Salon gallery in Leverage in Death[15]
  13. Joe P. Foxx, an actor on a show for On Screen Productions, mentioned in Echoes in Death as a devoted family guy[16] (also see Foxx (disambiguation))
  14. Joe’s, a brand of cheap sneaks that were sold at L&W in Random in Death, along with Kick Its and Sprints[17]
  15. Joseph “Joe” Cattery, the assistant marketing director at Stevenson and Reede and one of the victims of the On the Rocks massacre in Delusion in Death[18] (also see Joseph (disambiguation))
  16. Joseph “Joe” Finestein, a retired baker who was overly fond of sweets[19] and was poisoned in Naked in Death when his wife baked a custard pie with a synthetic cyanide compound and extra sugar, and told him not to touch it; he ate it anyway and she said it was gluttony that killed him[20] (also see Joseph (disambiguation))
  17. Joseph “Joe” Hague, who, along with his wife, Britt, was a smuggler from Cornwall, England; both Hagues were murdered by Sylvester Yost before Betrayal in Death[21] (also see Joseph (disambiguation))

