In Death Wiki

Kate may refer to:

  1. Kate, Micah’s partner of ten years; Micah worked at On Screen Productions in Echoes in Death[1]
  2. Kate, Mickey’s mother in Random in Death; Arlene Fromer said her husband purchased three pairs of Alan Stuben shoes at Dellan’s in size 6 1/2 in March, 2061 for his birthday[2]
  3. Kate Hollis, Jenny Markum’s mother, who came to support her after her husband was killed by a sniper at the Wollman Rink in Central Park, along with Ellissa Wyman and Dr. Brent Michaelson, in Apprentice in Death[3]
  4. Mary Kate Covino, who escaped Andrew Dawber’s clutches in Abandoned in Death[4] and was mentioned in Desperation in Death[5] and Encore in Death[6] (also see Mary (disambiguation))
  5. Mary Kate Franco, a nurse practitioner who was working at the infirmary at Central when Willow Mackie escaped from containment in Apprentice in Death; Officer Shelby was on her way to meet up with her and handled the situation[7] (also see Franco (disambiguation) and Mary (disambiguation))
  6. Mary Katherine/Mary Kate, who was married to “Ned” Brody, and therefore Roarke’s aunt by marriage; mentioned in Portrait in Death[8] and one of Roarke’s kin who remained at the farm when Lorcan Cobbe came to fight Roarke in Shadows in Death, along with Sinead Lannigan, Aidan Brody, Rosie (Aidan’s wife), Rory, and Seamus Lannigan; she was called Mary Kate[9] (also see Mary (disambiguation))

