In Death Wiki

Hayward, Kendel

Appeared in Golden in Death (April 28-May 2, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

Interesting Facts[]

  • Attended Theresa A. Gold Academy and was a spoiled, young woman who liked to humiliate others, but after the headmaster, Dr. Lotte Grange, left and the new headmaster, Dr. Martin Rufty, took over, she settled down and stopped mouthing off in class.[3]
  • After she graduated, she did two years, general studies, at the University of Maryland, then dropped out to work with her mother in event planning.
  • Had lived in East Washington for five years and was now engaged to a congressional aide with family money and political aspirations, announced last summer.
  • Her little dog, Lulu, was a birthday gift from her fiancé the previous summer.
  • She had worked hard to put her years at TAG behind her and wasn’t aware of the murders. Dr. Rufty gave her a second chance, which she took. When he took over, she’d been making bad choices - bad behavior, illegals, drinking, making those less popular suffer, just being a mean girl. She resented it at the time but was now grateful. Her parents gave her the choice of shaping up or being shipped off to a private girl’s school in England. They saw she’d been a liar, cheat, bully, and brat up to then and she was under house arrest for the rest of the year.
  • Mr. Duran’s classes were among the only ones she liked, and she said the status quo changed for a lot of the students and teachers, but her group shattered and scattered - parents either pulled their kids out or put the chains on, and she didn’t stay in touch with anybody from the school. She didn’t like school that much but she liked the peace of no longer having to be outrageous and mean, and liked getting decent grades without cheating. She promised her parents she’d give college two years, which she did, and then she came home and started working with her mother. She’d told Merritt everything, and his mother, who was considering a run for president, thought of her as “a case study in early redemption.”
  • She remembered Marshall Cosner for being a terrible student and fun - he could always score illegals, booze, an empty house to party in. They called him “The facilitator.” She also remembered her ex, sexy Steve, who asked her to take off with him. Her friend, Annie or Allie (she couldn’t remember her name for sure), passed messages between her and Steve since Kendel’s ’link privileges had been revoked.
  • Whitt tagged her to talk to Kendel about taking off together, but when Kendel told her to relay the message that she couldn’t take off with him, he called her a stupid, spineless ¢unt and wrote her off.
  • She told Eve, “Lie, and you have to keep lying. I’m living proof that you’ll eventually get caught, and the lies make it worse. We were bad kids, but we were kids. I don’t know anyone who’d commit murder over something from high school.” Eve thought she did, but didn’t realize it.


  1. Golden in Death, Chapter 16
  2. Golden in Death, Chapter 13
  3. Golden in Death, Chapter 12