In Death Wiki

Chambers, Larrina

Mentioned in Calculated in Death (November, 2060)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Age: 57
  • Relationships: Neal (husband/deceased); unnamed mother; Sterling Alexander (mister)
  • Occupation: She and Neal started a national chain of eateries

Interesting Facts[]

  • She and Sterling had dated in their early twenties, but she was deemed inappropriate for him.
  • Copped a scholarship to MIT at age 18, and earned a master’s in business at 25
  • Her husband died during a sudden squall off the coast of Australia when his sailboat was swamped. At the time (about nine years ago), Larrina was in New York, helping her mother recover from minor surgery.
  • The investigation into the drowning - Chambers and four others, crew and passengers - had been thorough.
  • She apparently rekindled her romance with Sterling after her husband died.


  1. Calculated in Death, Chapter 13