In Death Wiki

Marcus may refer to:

  1. Marcus, a clerk at Urbane who was mentioned in Shadows in Death[1]
  2. Marcus, a receptionist at Brewer, Kyle, and Martini in Calculated in Death[2]
  3. Marcus, a stylist at Ultra You in Festive in Death[3]
  4. Marcus, Drs. Kent Abner and Martin Rufty’s son in Golden in Death[4]
  5. Marcus, Trevor Whittier’s cousin, mentioned in Remember When[5]
  6. Marcus, who was pickpocketed by a twelve-year-old in Divided in Death[6]
  7. Marcus Bissel, Blair and Carter Bissel’s father in Divided in Death[7]
  8. Marcus Fitzwilliams, CEO and President of Fitzwilliams Worldwide, murdered in Wonderment in Death[8]
  9. Marcus Jones, Jr., the captain of the Bangers in Connections in Death[9] (also see Jones (disambiguation))
  10. Marcus Jones, Sr., aka Rock, Marcus Jones, Jr.’s father and former captain of the Bangers until a beating and severe head trauma and brain damage about ten years prior to Connections in Death[9] (also see Jones (disambiguation) and Rock (disambiguation))
  11. Marcus Novack, who built schools and health centers in the Australian Outback; Cecily Anson was in Adelaide doing research for a biography on him in Brotherhood in Death[10]
  12. Marcus Oberman, retired commander, NYPSD, and father of Renee Oberman, who was arrested in Treachery in Death.[11]
  13. Marcus Stillwater, Shauna Hunnicut’s bootie buddy before she met and fell in love with Erin Albright; he and Shauna were still friends as of the events in Passions in Death[12]


  1. Shadows in Death, Chapter 16
  2. Calculated in Death, Chapter 3
  3. Festive in Death, Chapter 6
  4. Golden in Death, Chapter 6
  5. Remember When, Chapter 27
  6. Divided in Death, Chapter 20
  7. Divided in Death, Chapter 6
  8. Wonderment in Death, Chapter 1
  9. 9.0 9.1 Connections in Death, Chapter 5
  10. Brotherhood in Death, Chapter 13
  11. Treachery in Death, Chapter 5
  12. Passions in Death, Chapter 5