In Death Wiki

Novak, Minerva “Minx”

Appeared in Encore in Death (Monday, June 28 - Thursday, July 1, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Description: Short hair that managed to go everywhere at once, a petite, compact body[2]
  • Age: 36[3]
  • Born: Columbia, Maryland[3] or Chicago[4]#YANNIs
  • Relationships: Malcomb Furrier (husband of 4[4] or 6[3] years #YANNIs); Ariella (2-year-old daughter); Roger Novak (father); Heaven Colby Novak (stepmother); Alyson Crupke (mother); unnamed 29-year-old half-brother from Roger and Heaven Novak; unnamed 27-year-old half-sister from Roger and Heaven Novak; unnamed 22-year-old half-sibling photographer from Alyson & Benson Pickett; unnamed 53-year-old stepsibling from Alyson & her current husband Edwin White-Mitchell[4]; unnamed 44-year-old stepsibling from Alyson & Pickett[4]; Leah Rose (stepsister/deceased)[4]; unnamed paternal aunt in New York[4]; unnamed tax lawyer cousin[5]
  • Listed Address: West 46th Street[3]
  • Current Address: Lower East Side property she and Malcomb are remodeling[5]
  • Occupation: Choreographer

Interesting Facts[]

  • Studied dance at Juilliard, worked as a professional dancer, then moved into choreography, eight years ago.[3]
  • Worked with Tessa Long on two other shows, first time working with Eliza Lane.[3]
  • Brant Fitzhugh was standing next to Malcomb and her for a few minutes and then he was behind them when he toasted Eliza and died.[3]
  • Worked with Cosmo Wise on Class Reunion on Broadway a couple of years ago.[6]
  • Relocated to New York at age 16 to attend Julliard under the guardianship of an aunt on her father’s side with New York residency.[4]
  • Danced professionally until an injury sidelined that and turned her to choreography[4]
  • Her sibling from her mother’s third marriage was a photographer who worked with film as well as digital, and had his own darkroom.[5]
  • Currently a few weeks pregnant with their second child and experiencing daily morning sickness.[2]
  • She didn’t tell Eliza that Rose was her stepsister because she wasn’t sure if Eliza would take her on if she knew (out of superstition).
  • She was six when her mother and Rose’s father got together, and Minerva looked up to Rose, who was seven years older, even though she saw her problems - bulimia, pills to keep her energy up and her weight down.
  • Heaven’s grandparents surprised her with a trip to New York for the opening night of Upstage (for Roger, Heaven, and Minerva). Right before the show started, when they went backstage, somebody pulled Roger aside to tell him that Rose had died.
  • Thought Rose chose poorly, and she was sad for what might have been, but didn’t blame anybody for her death, although if she had to pick somebody it would be Rose’s mother for not taking care of her, and for getting Rose the pills.


  • She was either born in Columbia, Maryland[3] or Chicago.[4]
  • She had either been married for four[4] or six[3] years.


  1. Encore in Death, Chapter 14
  2. 2.0 2.1 Encore in Death, Chapter 13
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Encore in Death, Chapter 8
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Encore in Death, Chapter 11
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Encore in Death, Chapter 12
  6. Encore in Death, Chapter 9