Rowe, Moses
Appeared in Random in Death (August, 2061)[1]
Personal Information[]
- Description: Good-looking Caucasian kid, tall
- Age: 17
- Hair: White-blond, worn in a skullcap
- Eyes: Light blue
- Relationships: Arlie Dillon (girlfriend); unnamed parents
- Occupation: Student
Interesting Facts[]
- Had been dating Arlie for four months and would have had sex with her for the fifth time that night after the Battle of the Bands concert.
- His friend played bass guitar and did vocals for one of the finalists in the contest, Arrow.
- His parents were out of town visiting friends so he planned to have Arlie spend the night with him.
- He was a big reader, and read both of Nadine’s books.
- Went to get ice when Arlie told him she was stung by a wasp (she was actually jabbed with a needle full of poison).
- ↑ Random in Death, Chapter 8