In Death Wiki

Gaynor, Nancie – Dancer (Stripper) at Purgatory

Appeared in Judgment in Death; (April 2059)[1]


Interesting Facts[]

  • Worked the same schedule as Mitzie Treacher.
  • To support herself she took a job in a club but it wasn’t a very nice club and she almost moved back to Iowa but then Rue MacLean hired her for a nicer club (Trends) and brought her along when she transferred to Purgatory where “nothing hinky-dink goes on.”
  • She was once questioned by the police because her LC roommate had let her license lapse.
  • Was a little blue because her ex-boyfriend back home got engaged so she hung out with Taj after her shift finished and after Nester Vine had gone home sick.


  1. Judgment in Death, Chapter 2