In Death Wiki

Nick may refer to:

  1. Nick, the middle school boy Mina Cabot was sweet on before she was abducted in Desperation in Death[1]
  2. Nick Bocco, who lived in the same building as Nadine Furst in Obsession in Death, and whose daughter witnessed her attacker/would-be killer[2]
  3. Nick Forret, head of security for Universal Financial in Vendetta in Death[3]
  4. Nick Greene, one of the people targeted and killed by The Purity Seekers in Purity in Death[4] (also see Greene (disambiguation))
  5. Nick Patelli, who walked out of Du Vin with his date and their two friends right before Larinda Mars’s killer in Secrets in Death[5]
  6. Nick Soto, Penny Soto’s rapist father, whom she killed and boasted about before Salvation in Death[6]
  7. St. Nick Special, an alcoholic beverage Peabody drank two of in Holiday in Death while she was out with McNab for Christmas Eve dinner[7]

