In Death Wiki

Night may refer to:

  1. Burlesque Night, a fundraiser where Gregor Lester met his wife, who went by Camilla Jane before they married two years prior to Echoes in Death[1]
  2. Knight at Night, a talk show presumably hosted by Annie Knight of Knight Productions, it was mentioned in Secrets in Death[2], Leverage in Death[3], and Forgotten in Death[4]
  3. Night Falls, a show on the Soap Channel starring Justin Young and mentioned in Immortal in Death[5]
  4. Night Run, a release by Avenue A, mentioned by Detective Yancy in Dark in Death"[6]
  5. Only by Night, the classic vid that Eloise Callahan, portraying Maura Fitzgerald, won her first Oscar for, mentioned in Vendetta in Death[7]

