In Death Wiki

Planet may refer to:

  1. Our Planet, who sponsored the annual Spring Gala charity event in Vendetta in Death, held in the grand ballroom of the Roarke Palace Hotel to benefit various environmental causes[1]
  2. Planet, a global program partly hosted by K.C. Stewart that Lee Chang booked Eve on in Purity in Death; she declined to go[2]
  3. Planet Disney, where Waldo Remkeā€™s nephew was the week Rachel Howard was killed in Portrait in Death[3], and also mentioned in Holiday in Death[4]
  4. Planet Plague, A TV series about a Zombie apocalypse that was produced by On Screen Productions in Echoes in Death and had won numerous awards[5]
  5. Third Planet, a vid and game that Benny Leman mentioned in Fantasy in Death[6]

