In Death Wiki

Mimoto, Serenity “Seri”

Appeared in Kindred in Death (c. June 2060, Sunday - Saturday)[1]

Personal Information[]


  • She had intense eyes, their striking azure color radiated against smooth hazelnut skin.[3] Sharp, black eyebrows.[4]


  • She had a calm demeanor and quick understanding.[4]

Interesting Facts[]

  • She thought Darrin Pauley looked like his father (Vance) and remembered them from the trial.[3] She pronounced the sentence that put his mother in prison.[4]
  • She had been a judge for twenty-six years.[4]
  • She had four siblings, all currently married, three children, also all currently married, and eight grandchildren, with another on the way. Her oldest granddaughter was also married and just made Serenity a great-grandmother only yesterday. Her family was legion.[5]
    • An aunt, who was dear to her, recently died but none of her family were recently married. Her parents, however, decided to renew their vows on Valentine’s Day. Her mother, Charity, decided that, after seventy years, they’d earned a booster shot, a massive party, and a second honeymoon.[6]
  • Her mother called her “Seri.”[7]
  • Deke, Serenity’s husband, brothers, and the grandsons, were all going on a camping trip the upcoming weekend; they planned to be gone until Sunday.[8]
  • Charity said they had a judge for a daughter and plenty of lawyers and cops in the family, too.[9]

