In Death Wiki

For other uses of Thomas, see Thomas (disambiguation).

Thomas Wineburg

Appeared in Ceremony in Death (October 22-31, 2058)[1]

Personal Information[]

  • Description: A man in an expensive dark suit, with a face that was cell-block white
  • Complexion: Cell-block white
  • Hair: Black wedge
  • Elbow: Bony
  • Occupation: Banker at Wineburg Financial


  • Isis told him he had a dark and muddy aura and he dabbled without belief. He toyed with power beyond his scope. She warned him that if he didn’t change his path he will damn himself.
  • Roarke called him one of the irritating rich and pampered. He said his father ran Wineburg Financial, not him; he was more of a minion, “given busywork and a useless title and a big office. He’d gobble up his expense account, shuffle forms, and have his cosmetician in for weekly sessions.”
  • Roarke tried to get backing for a couple of his early (legal) projects, but they wouldn’t let him in the door - “not up to their level of client.” He went elsewhere for the money, made a killing, and they took it poorly.

Story Information[]

  • He came to the viewing of Alice Lingstrom but then after he ran and Eve caught up to him, he told her he was late for an appointment he’d forgotten about, and that he’d mistaken the address.
  • He was a member of Selina Cross and Alban’s coven, but said he was just in it for the sex; he didn’t know anybody would die: “Blood everywhere. Everywhere. Dear God, I didn’t know.”
  • Told Eve "I haven’t done anything” before sobbing like a baby. “You have to let me go. I’m not part of this.”

Homicide Information[]

  • He was able to escape Eve’s grasp when she shifted her grip because he was crying.
  • He rammed his bony elbow hard into Eve’s gut, sending her flying violently back into Roarke so they both hit the pavement.
  • By the time Eve recovered to chase him, he dove into an underground garage and darted into the forest of vehicles.
  • She heard him heading up, then chanting, then a long, terrified scream.
  • His body was spread in a growing pool of blood.
  • He was stabbed in the heart with an athame.

Interesting Facts[]

  • Fifth generation banker who worked at Wineburg Financial.[2]
  • Called Roarke “a financial rogue.”

