In Death Wiki

When Eve is hurting or is over-working, Roarke will sometimes force a tranq on her or administer a soother. These are the instances he does (or in one case Eve gives one to him.):

She couldn't even lift her weighted arm to her head. "Damn it, Roarke, damn it, that was a tranq.... Inducing chemicals on unknowing people is a violation of..."

–Immortal in Death, p. 92

"I'll be fine. I don't want –" She gasped when he pinched her nose, drew her head back, and poured the liquid down her throat. "Bastard," she managed choking and batting at him.

–Rapture in Death, p. 189

"If this guy would just patch me up enough so I could – hey, hey, hey!" She jerked, slapped out, but wasn't quick enough to prevent the pressure syringe from shooting into her arm.

–Vengeance in Death, p. 215

Eve: ..."What the hell was in that drink?"

Roarke: "All manner of things. Just relax." Eve: "You know I hate tranqs." Roarke: "I know."...

–Holiday in Death, p. 207

Eve: :Not more drugs, Roarke, I –" It was as far as she got before he squeezed her jaw, popped the pill in her mouth.

Roarke: "Swallow."

–Conspiracy in Death, p. 323

When she turned her head toward him, he caught her chin and shoved a pain blocker into her mouth. Before she could spit it at him, he caught her close… and crushed his mouth to hers.

–Loyalty in Death, p. 262

She'd finished half the glass before she noticed the effects. "What did you put in here?" she demanded. "You put a blocker in here."

–Judgment in Death, p.228

In a move too fast to evade, he had her earlobe pinched between his thumb and forefinger. One flick of his wrist and the shock of the twist had her mouth dropping open.

He popped the pill in. The next thing she knew he was yanking her head back by her hair and pouring the liquid down her throat.

–Seduction in Death, p. 169

Summerset stepped over, pinched her nose closed, dropped the tablets in her mouth, and chased them down her throat with the liquid.

–Seduction in Death, p. 286

She struggled, catching the glint of a pressure syringe. "I don't want that shit. It makes me stupid. I took a spill, that's all."

"Listen, ace – damn it, damn it!" She bucked once when she felt the faint nip of the syringe.

–Reunion in Death, p. 243

Roarke: "Not so much..." Her face blurred, doubled, shimmered briefly into focus again. "Ah, fuck me. You tranq'd the soup."

–Portrait in Death, p. 187
