In Death Wiki

Remke, Waldo

Appeared in Portrait in Death (August 8-15th, 2059)


  • He was a little guy, wiry with it, with narrow hips. The blood in his eye was from temper, but his lip was sporting the real thing.[1]

Interesting Facts[]

  • When Eve Dallas arrived at the location Nadine Furst gave her as a tip, she saw Waldo Remke and a City Maintenance drone (Larry Poole) having an argument in front of a green recycle bin.[2]
    • Remke shoved Poole and, when Poole shoved back, Waldo punched him and knocked him on his butt before Eve broke them up.[3]
    • When Poole said he wanted to file charges, Remke said he wanted to file charges.[4] They were angry about the broken recycle bin. Remke said he, Costello, and Mintz had paid for that bin twenty times over and half the time it was broken.[4]
  • Remke said his shop (a deli) had been his for eighteen years and it was his father’s before him.[4]
  • After Eve found the body in the bin, Remke volunteered to look inside since he thought he might know them if they were from the neighborhood. When he saw, he knew her name was “Rachel” and that she worked at the 24/7 across the street.[5]
  • Remke said he last used the bin about seven last night as his nephew, who usually closed, had been on vacation this week with his family at Planet Disney. Remke arrived for work at six this morning.[6]
    • He called maintenance about the bin when he arrived and, when Costello and Mintz got there, they had a bitch session over it.[6]
  • He said he, his wife, and his youngest daughter (who was sixteen years old), live upstairs, above the deli. His daughter, Shelley, got home the night before right at ten PM. Remke watched the game and turned in early, by eleven.[7]
  • He said he didn’t know how anybody could treat Rachel like that.[7]

