In Death Wiki
In Death Wiki

Meadows, Wilfred

Mentioned in Desperation in Death (late June, 2061)[1]

Personal Information[]

Interesting Facts[]

  • Did yoga in the park at sunrise (sunrise salutations)
  • After he found Mina’s body, he sat cross-legged a few feet away, trying to send positive energy to her spirit on her journey.
  • Had a redheaded granddaughter, Abigail, about her age.
  • Came to the park most mornings.
  • Rode his bike on the path three afternoons a week.
  • Led a tai chi class in the park two afternoons a week.
  • Hadn’t seen Mina around the park before, and thought he would have noticed because of the red hair (his wife, their daughter, and their oldest granddaughter were all redheads).
  • His wife was a fitness coach for Healthy You and Me.

